Protein Structures
Structure gallery
On this page we present the protein structures which got solved in our lab.
Crystal Structure structure of the Apo ectoine hydroxylase EctD transport unit of the autotransporter AIDA-I from Salibacillus salexigens Escherichia coli in the post translocation state
- PDB code (4MEE)
Crystal Structure of the Apo ectoine hydroxylase EctD from Salibacillus salexigens
- PDB code (4NMI)
C39-like domain (CLD) of the ABC transporter haemolysin B from E. coli
- NMR structure of the CLD (3ZUA)
CRISPR-associated Protein Csn2 from S. agalactiae
- Wild type (3QHQ)
The choline binding protein OpuBC from Bacillus subtilis
- X-ray structure with choline bound (3R6U)
Osmoprotection protein ProX from Archaeoglobus fulgidus
- X-ray strucutre of the mutant T111A of ProX with glycine bound (3MAM)
The choline/acteylcholine binding protein ChoX from S. melilioti in different states
The substrate binding protein UeH of the TRAP transport system from Silicibacter pomeroyi DSS-3
- X-ray structure of the ligand binding sites of UehA (orange, 3FXB) and SiaP (yellow)
Octopine-dehydrogenase (ODH) from Pecten maximus
OpuAC from B. subtilis in complex with glycine betaine and proline betaine
The ectoine/hydroxyectoine binding protein EhuB from S. meliloti
Different states of the nucleotide-binding domain of the ABC transporter haemolysin B from E. coli
- X-ray structure of the wild type (1MT0)
- X-ray structure of the wild type in complex with TNP-ADP (2PMK)
- X-ray structure of the wild type in the ADP bound state (2FF7)
- X-ray structure of the wild type dimer bound with ATP and Mg2+ (1XEF)
- X-ray structure of the mutant S504A in complex with TNP-ADP (3B5J)
- X-ray structure of the mutant H662A in a ADP bound state (2FFA)
- X-ray structure of the mutant H662A bound with ATP (2FGJ)
- X-ray structure of the mutant E631Q in a ADP bound state (2FFB)
- X-ray structure of the mutant E631Q bound with ATP (2FGK)